LessonPix has recently updated their website to be mobile-friendly and are frequently adding features SLPs are needing for teletherapy / distance learning ( ). Looking for a web-based option that CAN be used on an iPad or iPhone? (or any device on any platform) It’s a common request that I see from busy SLPs especially during the pandemic so this post was inspired by you.

Imagine creating things in the middle of a therapy session and then being able to email them to a parent or sending them wirelessly to a printer. It’s 2022… we are all busier than ever and need to be able to make these printable items all from the convenience of our iPad or iPhone (not having to sit at a computer). This post is dedicated to iOS apps and mobile-friendly websites that can be used to make printable communication boards, PECS symbols, pictures for visual schedules, visual supports, therapy materials, etc… I’ve also included info about Android options but since I don’t own any Android devices I can’t comment on how well they work on that platform.