Potash is only used by the Glass smelter to produce Glass. The production chain for producing Potash consists of a single Forest glassworks with at least 132 Trees within its Influence area. The second building that was built receives no productivity benefits from the overlapping squares while the first building maintains full productivity benefits from those squares. Books are required to satisfy the Need for Property of Patricians and Noblemen. The Printing house is an Occidental Production building that produces Books from Paper and Indigo. Just like with other Production buildings that require Trees, if the Influence area of the Forest glassworks crosses the circle of a Lumberjack's hut, Charcoal burner's hut or other Forest glassworks, productivity loss may occur. Requires Paper and Indigo.Produces Books.

I will add to this guide in time with more details.

The Forest glassworks requires 132 Trees within its Influence area to run at 100% productivity. This guide contains some of the more well know production layouts for both the Occidental and Oriental sides of the game. Most content in this guide can be found elsewhere and the guide mainly functions for ease of access. Rose oil is only used by the Perfumery to produce Perfume.The Forest glassworks is an Occidental Production building that processes trees into Potash, which is used by the Glass smelter to produce Glass. This guide is a work in progress of collecting the most useful and well known production layouts for Anno 1404. Each Rose field costs 250 Gold coins, bringing the total cost to 2400 Gold coins. The production chain for producing Rose oil consists of a single Rose nursery with 6 Rose fields. Alternatively, Rose seeds can be purchased from Grand Vizier Al Zahir and planted on any southern island with a customizable resource. With New World Rising DLC, when the cattle farm in the New World has access to electricity, its modules also. The maximum capacity of a Bears cave is 1600 tons of Furs. The Bears cave slowly gets depleted as the Trappers lodge produces Furs, but can be replenished using Gold coins. It can be built both in the Old World (and Cape Trelawney) and New World, it does not require any fertility, only fields are needed to operate. The Trappers lodge is an Occidental Production building that produces Furs when placed near a Bears cave. Rose fields will only produce Rose oil on islands with the requisite fertility, which only appears on southern islands. Cattle Farm is a Production Building which produces Beef from cattle pastures.

The Rose nursery is an Oriental Farm building that produces Rose oil, which is needed to make Perfume.